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{statorium_player pid=1668 sid=280 text="Benjamin Pavard"}, the 28-year-old defender currently plying his trade with {statorium_team tid=108 sid=280 text="Inter Milan"}, has stirred speculation about a potential return to his formative club, {statorium_team tid=69 sid=269 text="Lille OSC"}. During an interview on Téléfoot alongside former France teammate {statorium_player pid=1771 sid=262 text="Adil Rami"}, Pavard delved into his beginnings in professional football, which took root at Lille's esteemed academy.

Having embarked on a journey that led him to triumphs in both the Bundesliga and Serie A, including clinching the prestigious FIFA World Cup with France in 2018, Pavard's career has been illustrious. However, despite his accomplishments, Pavard confessed to lingering sentiments of regret concerning his departure from his childhood club. He expressed a nostalgic yearning, stating, "I have a bit of a bitter taste because obviously it’s my favourite club. I had been there since I was little. I spent 10 years there and it’s a city that is special to me."

Future Aspirations

While Pavard entertains the notion of returning to Lille OSC, he is pragmatic about the timing. With four years remaining on his contract with Inter Milan, the prospect of a homecoming appears to be a distant consideration rather than an imminent decision. Pavard emphasized that any potential return would not signal an early retirement but rather a desire to rekindle his connection with his beloved club. He expressed ambitions of assuming a leadership role, stating, "What’s certain is if I do go back there, it would not be as an early retirement. It’s my favourite club and I would like to become their captain."

Pavard's musings on a potential return to Lille OSC have ignited speculation among fans and pundits alike, adding an intriguing dimension to his already illustrious career trajectory. As he continues to excel on the field, the prospect of a homecoming remains a captivating storyline for followers of both the player and the club.